Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Math 431... WHY LORD?!?! WHY?!?!

Granted, I'm a math minor. I like math, but it's not my forte.  

But WHAT THE HECK IS UP WITH MATH 431!!! I thought this class was gonna be a review of middle school and high school geometry and techniques on how to make math fun and engaging.  It's not that at all.  

Granted, I think Professor Cap is cool. But all of this is pretty much going over my head and I'm not sure how it's gonna make me a better math teacher...

Your thoughts? 

Halloween Party: to post or to not post pics on fb... that is the question.

So last Saturday we had an AWESOME TIME during Halloween! It was crazy! We made great memories and took pictures to remember the moment :D

However, some folks decided to put pics on f-beezy so that "you can see the pictures, Ingrid! You were so funny!" I was living in the moment. I did not do anything I regret or am ashamed of but that doesn't mean I want everyone all up in the business!

So everyone was cool about it and deleted the pictures, but just a suggestion to folks: email please :D